The current big news is my conversion to digital printing. This is outlined in my latest newsletter Going Digital, Sort of . . .
Stanford University Press has placed my book on hold pending an upturn ing the economy. That's discouraging but I am continuing to do new work on it as new materials come to light.
I failed to mention in the latest newsletter that my work can be seen and purchased online at
My workshop series has been suspended until after the book is published, but thereafter I hope to resume it. Information on my past workshops is here for those interested. I would like to hear from those of you who would like to attend. Please send me an e-mail and sign up for the newsletters.
My work has already appeared in several magazines and you will find slightly revised versions of some of the articles here on my web site. Several new articles are in the planning stage and I will announce them in my newsletter. See also, Smokebox, N.N. #40, an article that is a preview of my upcoming book on the Nevada Northern Railway.
There is also information about print sales, my newsletter, which you can sign up for, my resume and my various photography exhibitions. New is a setup that allows you to make purchases of my prints by credit card or PayPal.
Come back soon and often as we are adding info on other workshops, photo galleries, magazine articles and more.
If you entered this site through a web browser and the sidebar menu does not appear at left, click on the button below.
No side bar menu at left? Click here.
This website was designed to work best at a screen resolution of 1024x768, but my more recent newsletters were designed to work best with higher resolution monitors. See below for instructions on how to set your monitor's resolution in a Windows environment. I'm now using a 1680x1050 22 inch monitor,
Click here for how to change display settings to 1024x768.
Above right, Eccentric Crank, S.P. 4449 - Sacramento, California, 1975. This
reproduction is from a scan of the original Tri-X negative processed in Photoshop. For more
information about this image see the article in the side bar at left "Form in Steam & Steel"
JOLAF Artist of the Month! January 2006